Thursday, September 13, 2012

Possible 1750 Nids List for October Tourney

This is mostly built and painted, but I discovered today that I don't have NEARLY enough gants to support three Tervigons... which is kind of a good/bad thing. Oh, and one of my Hive Tyrant wings has mysteriously gone missing...

Hive Tyrant, Wings, Devourers x 2, Hive Commander
Hive Tyrant, Wings, Devourers x 2

Hive Guard x 3
Hive Guard x 3
Zoanthrope x 2

Tervigon, Catalyst, Onslaught, Adrenals, Toxins
Tervigon, Catalyst, Onslaught, Adrenals, Toxins
Tervigon, Catalyst, Onslaught, Adrenals, Toxins
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10

Tried this out today and it did well. Everything seems to work better at 1750 for Tyranids.